There were a lot of moments in that last Avengers film that garnered gasps of admiration from the fans. One lesser moment, but one picked up nonetheless was the moment that all the women of the MCU came together in order to stand by Captain Marvel. As whispers following the film would have it, perhaps the MCU was ready to give us another team!
‘Hyperspace’ sees a character named Singularity appear out of nowhere. Along with her, comes the villainous Antimatter, both beings made of that mysterious stuff that makes up universes. Singularity, however, has memories of a team made up of the best female heroes around. The problem is none of them remembers her, but when the threat of Antimatter looms, She-Hulk, Medusa of the Inhumans, Captain Marvel, Sister Grimm and Dazzler combine their forces to protect their new friend. The novel also gives us a flashback of the Universe as Singularity remembers it as well as an original comic of the first appearance of A-force.
I have to say, that moment in the Avengers film, it really didn’t do anything for me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for an all-female team, but it has to be done right, and with the right members; like this comic. I thought the dynamic between these ladies was perfect and I actually really enjoyed the novel. She-Hulk is the perfect leader and seeing Captain Marvel in more of a follower role was refreshing.
The artwork was also a bonus because it was really something! The covers were vibrant and I really took this one above! Overall, this was a good novel and I’m excited to see more members of this team!
Favourite Panel:
Girl Power. Damn right.
Favourite Character:
It’s hard to pick in a team book, but it’s probably She-Hulk. She’s such a measured character but has heart and fighting skills to boot.
Story Arc: ★★★½
Character Development: ★★★½
Artwork: ★★★½
Enjoyability: ★★★½
Re-readability: ★★★½
Level: Beginner