If you had asked about 20 years ago, I’m not sure very many people’s answer to their favourite Avenger would have been Iron Man, but things have changed. After 12 years of Marvel films, he’s probably in the top 3. In terms of the comic book series, this was the first novel that I had read in the Invincible Iron Man series, so I was pretty excited.
‘Reboot’ sees Iron Man investigating a former flame of his, Whitney Frost, who goes by the alias Madame Masque. Masque is breaking into certain labs and hideouts however Tony struggles to find out what she’s looking for and what she has stolen. Then, to his complete surprise, he receives help from an unlikely source; Victor Von Doom. Doom is also not his usual self and it appears that he genuinely wishes to help. Tony finds himself in a dilemma in which his intellect struggles to cope, but at the end of the day, he is Iron Man and that has to count for something.
I actually really enjoyed this novel. In a weird way, I had hoped that would be the case, since Iron Man used to be one of, if not, my favourite Avenger. I thought there was actual character development in this novel on the part of Tony, Victor Von Doom and Madame Masque. The novel didn’t have to rely on supporting characters as much because the main characters were interesting enough.
The artwork was pretty good. I thought some of the larger and landscape pages were drawn very well. I was also a fan of the covers. Overall, this was a good novel and I’m looking forward to reading more Iron Man!
Favourite Panel:
It was hard to pick, but this one made me smile!
Favourite Character:
Usually, I’d say that Tony is super annoying, but he wasn’t in this novel, and he was hands down the best character!
Story Arc: ★★★½
Character Development: ★★★½
Artwork: ★★★
Enjoyability: ★★★★
Re-readability: ★★★
Level: Intermediate