There are very few instances when a smaller comic book company produces something that catches my eye, but then again, I love Power Rangers, so I was gonna read these no matter what. The first novel, was in my opinion, amazing, so I was excited to see how the series continued.
The second novel starts with a prequel issue, in which it’s shown that before Tommy, Rita tried to get Zack to choose her side and become her Green Ranger. Cut then to modern-day, where the Rangers have been defeated by Black Dragon, a mysterious villain, who not only destroys the Command Centre but also manages to prevent the Rangers from morphing and kidnaps one of them. The Rangers, now without their powers, and a teammate need to figure out what to do quickly.
This was a pretty good novel, and I particularly enjoyed the first issue. My only problem is that the individual issues aren’t long enough, so it doesn’t seem like we get to read a lot of the story. Saying that, the story that is there, really creates a new aspect to the Power Ranger mythology.
The artwork was again, very good and it does make these novels a joy to read. The covers, this time, for me, weren’t as good as the first novel, but overall, a good continuation of the story!
Favourite Panel:
Imagine if Zack had become the Green Ranger.
Favourite Character:
In this novel, it was Tommy. He really stepped up to help the Rangers in a way that we’ve not seen previously!
Story Arc: ★★★½
Character Development: ★★★½
Artwork: ★★★½
Enjoyability: ★★★★
Re-readability: ★★★
Level: Beginner