‘Supercharged’ tells a little bit of a convoluted story about how Static moves from Dakota to New York City, taking his amateur superhero-ing to the next level with the help of a mentor, Hardware. Weird names, I know. What essentially is a series of one-shots, amalgamated together, shows Static taking on a couple of meta-mobsters who want to take down the city but more importantly take down Static.
In terms of character development, I felt the novel did well to show Static’s progression as a hero, however, I always felt a little lost as the story didn’t follow coherently. The rest of the characters were fairly boring, the only interesting point being the duplication of Virgil ‘Static’ Hawkins’ sister, Sharon.
The artwork was not particularly great either having a sort of cartoon-esque feel to it. The only highlight was the few covers, such as the one chosen above that I quite liked.
Favourite Panel:
The Drake bit really got me! Ha!
Favourite Character:
Static. He’s quite quippy as a hero and I do enjoy reading those heroes’ exploits more than others.
Story Arc: ★½
Character Development: ★★
Artwork: ★★
Enjoyability: ★★
Re-readability: ★½
Level: Advanced